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Useful Links

Useful links for students and applicants to our faculty and university.

Software for Students

Software for Students

As a student of the Technical University of Liberec, you can use a variety of computer programs to help you, for example, to write seminar and final theses. You can also install other necessary software for free or at lower prices, the complete list can be found on the LIberec Academic NEtwork (LIANE) website.

Liane website
City of Liberec

City of Liberec

Liberec is the fifth largest town in the Czech Republic with more than 100,000 inhabitants - is situated in the north of Bohemia, surrounded by Jizera and Lužice mountains and the Krkonoše Mountain National Park. The city centre is well preserved and is protected by law as an urban monument zone. Liberec was once home to a thriving textile industry and hence nicknamed the "Manchester of Bohemia". For many Czechs, Liberec is mostly associated with the city's dominant Ještěd Tower. The drive from Prague to Liberec takes about an hour.

Visit of Liberec
Liberec Region - Towns and Villages

Liberec Region - Towns and Villages

The Liberec Region is located in the north of the Czech Republic on the border with Germany and Poland. It is an area with a rich history and a wealth of natural, cultural, and historic landmarks, an area that is rightly known as heaven on earth for tourists, skiers, lovers of nature, and history enthusiasts.


Visit the website of the Confederation of Towns and Villages in the Jizera Mountains, which provides comprehensive information about the beauty, attractions and opportunities available in our mountains.

Liberec Region
Jizera Mountains

Jizera Mountains

Jizera Mountains, a landscape full of contrasts, which for its nature treasures was designated a Protected Landscape Area in 1968.

The most valuable natural phenomena have been conserved in less accessible places, on steep slopes, on screes, in high-altitude localities, in bogs, in waterlogged meadows and wetlands, especially beech forests, peat coenosis, mountain pine forest and herbaceous-rich and waterlogged meadows. These localities are mostly protected as small-scale conservation areas (national nature reserves, nature reserves and nature monuments). 

Tourist region Jizerské hory

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