Synthetic and biodegradable polymer systems
Research and development of methods for preparation and processing of homogeneous and heterogeneous polymeric (synthetic, biopolymeric) and composite (nano, micro, long-fibrous and structural) materials. Research and development of material compositions and characterisation of their structures and properties. Research into the processing of thus prepared materials including recycling and degradation with potential application in the design of parts for a wide area of industry (consumer, automotive, security, medical, etc.).
Research activities
Multifunction polymeric and biopolymeric materials
- Research into new advanced hybrid, hierarchist and multifunctional homogeneous and heterogeneous polymers and composites using the available fillers and structures obtained by means of non-traditional procedures of preparation from industrial and sustainable sources in order to prepare specific materials with the required properties.
- Characterisation of parameters, morphology and properties of materials for various kinds of fillers from nanometres, through micro up to macro sizes for various application properties from ultrathin structures and lightweight structures to standard parts.
Progressive technologies and processes
Simulation of processes in connection to part and mould design
- Application of simulation procedures and processes in the design and construction of parts from plastics, bioplastics and composites and in the design of moulds processing synthetic and biopolymeric materials with prediction of faults and defects by application of advanced technological processing methods.
- Verification of the systems and outcomes using image analyses and testing methods and tests.
Polymer and composite degradation and recycling
- Research into the mechanisms, processes and kinetics of degradation of synthetic and biopolymeric materials and composites using recycling processes, anaerobic, aerobic and climatic tests including UV radiation, bacterial and seawater effects in view of environmental and health aspects.
- Research into the effects of degradation and recycling processes on the properties of synthetic and biodegradable polymers and composites with evaluation of impacts on the application and life of the parts.
Department of: Engineering Technology
Contact: prof. Dr. Ing. Petr Lenfeld