Artificial intelligence / Machine learning
The research programme follows up the existing research at the department in the area of Operating Research and Digital Factory tools. Application of optimising algorithms to support planning, laying out and managing production. Value optimisation for the optimising algorithms. Using simulation for planning and laying out the production (simulation model for analysis of the staff planning, software for production planning). Design of company information system, simulation study. The research outcomes have potential in a wide area of production system automation, especially in the development of information systems for the technological preparation, planning, laying out and management of the production. They can also be applied in the development of Digital Factory tools and autonomous manufacturing and logistics systems. Application in project-based teaching is also one of the important elements.
Research activities
Analysis, modeling and simulation of production processes / Digital Twins
- Research on relationships and interactions between man, machine, computer model and real system.
- Motion analysis - MOCAP, modeling and reproduction of movement of machinery, people and systems.
- Research in the field of virtual commissioning of machines and equipment, remote or assisted operation and service of equipment, using digital twin, virtual (VR) or augmented reality (AR / XR).
- Creation of computational model – digital twin of any CNC machine in order to find dynamic parameters of "unknown" machine and then recalculate real machining time for given NC program.
- Application of 3D models for assessment and optimization in the field of movement economics and work ergonomics.
- Creation of simulation models regarding production systems with real constraints.
Design and management of automatic production systems (IoT, VR, AR/XR, EA)
- Development of autonomous manufacturing and logistics systems within Industry 4.0 mainly by IoT and mobile devices. Creating system modules and IoT connecting modules to each other.
- Optimization of control algorithms regarding individual parts, minimization of the amount of transmitted data and communication between all members of the system.
- Development of optimization (EA) and control algorithms. Application to real problems in production systems.
- Development of systems for autonomous control of optimization parameters concerning advanced (EA) optimization algorithms (generally for combinatorial and process problems).
- Research in the area of control and design about production systems using the application of Robot Process Automation (RPA), Artificial Intelligence, Virtual (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR / XR).
- Creation of new tools not only for information transfer in process management, logistics, production and education of employees using mobile platforms, VR, video mapping etc.
Department of: Manufacturing Systems and Automation
Contact: Ing. František Koblasa, Ph.D.